6 Steps For Successfully Managing Depression During COVID

6 Steps For Successfully Managing Depression During COVID

Managing Depression During COVID:

6 Steps for Successfully manage the depression:

Experts call it the underlying crisis. While COVID-19 cases spike around the country, more than a third of Americans report related depression and anxiety. As the pandemic lingers, managing depression can become that much more difficult. These proven steps can help patients, and you, better manage depression.

Share these 6 steps for patients to successfully manage depression during COVID:

Stay connected. Whether the patient uses the phone, online virtual meet-ups, or social distanced small gatherings, there are ways to keep in touch with friends, family, and especially their mental health care team. https://ctnursingservices.com/care-coordination/
Distract yourself. Focus on something that adds meaning and purpose to your life. Perhaps there’s something you’ve always wanted to learn, like a new language or a musical instrument.

Eat healthy:

Choose a well-balanced diet. Avoid loading up on junk food and refined sugar. Try to limit caffeine intake because caffeine can aggravate stress and anxiety. Eat fresh fruits and vegetables.

Get moving:

Creating and maintaining a daily routine will help you cope with this new, unpredictable situation and make you feel more in control, because exercise is one of the most effective ways of boosting your mood.  has shown to help with depression and mood disorders. It is good for general health, too!
Practice relaxation techniques. Incorporating a relaxation technique such as meditation, progressive muscle relaxation, or a breathing exercise into your daily schedule can provide a welcome break from the cycle of negative thinking, as well as relieve tension and anxiety.
Stay informed but limit exposure. Because information is changing regularly, it is important to stay up-to-date. Suggest patients to limit their exposure to the news and to make sure they are using reliable sources. It is Important, to avoid these updates around bedtime.

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