Home Care Travel Tips For Seniors and Their Families

Senior Travel Tips: Home Care in Fairfield, CT

Home Care Travel Tips For Seniors and Their Families

Now is the best time to start planning vacations for the warm weather, and when seniors and their families are planning trips it’s good to start making plans as soon as possible. When it comes to traveling with seniors, making plans in advance is strongly recommended so that accommodations can be made to make sure seniors are safe and comfortable. Seniors, their families, and their home care providers should use these travel tips to make sure those vacations are fun for everyone.

Leave Extra Time

When traveling with seniors it’s important to leave extra time for everything. Seniors need more time to travel between gates in airports, through hotels, and to get around in general. Leaving extra time between flights, extra time to get through security, and extra time to get around will ensure that no one feels rushed, gets frustrated, or gets physically exhausted. Think of traveling as a marathon not a sprint. Adding extra time into the planning will make a more enjoyable trip for everyone. Seniors who have home care can get assistance from a home care provider to help them arrange their travel schedule.

Ask For Accommodations In Advance

It’s very important for seniors and their families to think ahead when it comes to traveling. Airports and other transportation hubs have very limited adaptive equipment, so if your senior parent needs a wheelchair, a walker, or some other type or assistive device or if you need a motorized scooter to get between gates or need the services of a concierge you need to schedule those things far in advance. The only way to make sure that your senior parent will have access to the devices they need is to ask for them when you book the travel, and then follow up when you check in and remind the gate agent that you have requested those things.

Consider Other Types Of Transportation

Sometimes flying is not the best option for seniors. It can be very stressful, and long flight delays can wreak havoc on a senior’s routine. Renting a large van or comfortable RV and driving on vacation is a great option for seniors. So it taking the train, where seniors can get up and move around to keep their circulation strong. The train may take longer to get you to your destination, but the scenic ride might make the longer travel time worth it.

Plan For Lots Of Breaks

No matter what type of transportation you’re taking plan on taking lots of breaks. Seniors will need frequent breaks to use the bathroom, get something to eat, take a drink, and move around so that they get their blood flowing. That’s one of the reasons why driving is the method of travel preferred by most seniors. Driving gives seniors and their families the chance to stop whenever they want and take a break. But, if you must fly to your vacation destination choose connecting flights that have at least an hour between them so that your senior parent can take a break and not be rushed between flights.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Home Care in Fairfield, CT please contact the caring staff at Connecticut Nursing Services today. 203-730-2739

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