Companion Care at Home Tips on Senior Connection Via Social Media

Social Media: Companion Care at Home Wilton CT

Companion Care at Home Tips on Senior Connection Via Social Media

Did you know that seniors are becoming influences on social media platforms like TikTok? It’s true. The benefits for seniors can be substantial, both socially and financially. Monetizing these social media platforms can provide extra income for seniors. The biggest benefit of social media for seniors is the purpose and connection. If you find that your senior loved one really wants to branch out socially, their companion care at home provider can help them set up their social media platforms.

Seniors are discovering that younger people are very interested in finding out more about living well and aging. They are following seniors on platforms like TikTok for life lessons, advice, and general emotional support. They’re also curious about how seniors are aging in place.

Life Advice

There are a shocking number of young people who don’t have adults in their lives to give them advice. Particularly on things like conflict resolution, how to get along with people, or how to tie a neck tie. Seniors who are on social media find that by making videos offering life skills and lessons on everything from how to fry an egg to how to balance a checkbook, they are reaching hundreds of thousands of people who are hungry to learn. Seniors who have companion care at home can get the help they might need making content or coming up with content ideas from their companion. When seniors have companion care at home they also have someone who can help them edit and post their videos to social media.

Emotional Support

Seniors are also providing emotional support to both kids and adults who don’t have any parental or grandparental figures in their lives but need the emotional support of someone who is a little older and wiser. They are helping people grapple with everything from finding their first apartment to grieving the death of a child. They are also supporting people in their most joyous moments too. One senior lady started a network of surrogate parents and grandparents who travel to stand with people as they get married, substituting for parents or grandparents that have passed away to witness their joy.

Aging Insights

Another way that seniors are staying social and making a big contribution on social media is by offering aging insights and advice on aging in place. Seniors who are staying in their own homes as they get older are using their social media platforms to show other people how they’re doing it and what aging in place looks like. It’s very important for seniors of all different ages who have a wide range of health conditions to post videos showing how they’re managing to age in place so that others will see that aging in place can be a great option.

Career Advice

Seniors who miss going to work are making social media content designed to help people get jobs and find their career passions. They are helping with resume tips, showing people how to dress for interviews, and providing valuable information for younger people who are trying to create their own careers.

If you or an aging loved-one is considering Companion Care at Home in Wilton, CT please contact the caring staff at Connecticut Nursing Services today. 203-730-2739

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